Wednesday, 26 September 2012



You know that one thing on your to-do list that never gets done, it’s a small thing but for some reason you just never get to it.  Mine is my kitchen window, it gets splashed all the time and always looks dirty.  Well, I did it, I cleaned it last night and when I walked into my kitchen this morning I just felt better.  My mood lifted, my cup of tea tasted better.  I can’t wait to get back this afternoon and look out that window again!

Why was it so hard to clean it?  It took me 10 minutes, and I feel so much better.  I was in a workshop one time and the instructor talk about the book “Eat the frog”, have you heard of it?  It talks about 21 great ways to stop procrastinating.  Well it definitely sunk in when I heard about it and I have to say that every once in a while I have to tell myself to ‘Eat the frog.’

If anything it is a fun way to remember to deal with those things that are nagging at you!

Here's a link that talks about the book:

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